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  • Stueng Porpok & Kirirom Trekking

    Do you want to experience the nature and culture of Cambodia in a different way? Join this 3-day tour and trek through the mountain ranges from Cardamom to Kirirom, where you will see the diverse flora and fauna, waterfalls, and historical sites. You will start your journey in Phnom Penh, the capital city of Cambodia, and travel to Chambok Waterfall, where you can enjoy a refreshing swim. You will then visit Kirirom National Park, a pine forest with a cool climate and scenic views. You will also trek to the old hydropower dam, a relic of the Khmer Rouge era, and camp at Stueng Porpok, a river with a mangrove forest. You will end your tour in Phnom Penh, where you can relax and explore the city. This tour is a great opportunity to admire the nature and history of Cambodia, and support the local communities and conservation efforts.


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