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Experience the beauty and diversity of Cambodia on this seven-day cycling tour around Tonle Sap Lake, the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia. You will cycle through rural landscapes, visit floating villages, and explore historical and cultural sites along the way. You will start and end your journey in Siem Reap, the gateway to the world-famous Angkor temples. You will also visit the charming towns of Kampong Thom, Kampong Chhnang, and Battambang, where you can enjoy the local cuisine, culture, and hospitality. This tour is a great way to see the real Cambodia beyond the tourist trails.

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Places you’ll see


  • Cycling around Tonle Sap Lake, the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia and a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.
  • Visiting the Kampong Khleang Village, where you can see the stilt houses and the fishing activities of the local people.
  • Exploring the Sambor Prei Kuk temple complex, one of the oldest and most impressive archaeological sites in Southeast Asia.
  • Discovering the city of Battambang, where you can enjoy the colonial architecture, the bamboo train, and the Phare Circus.
  • Experiencing the local cuisine, culture, and hospitality of Cambodia along the way.


Kampong Khleang Village

Kampong Khleang Village

At 08.00 am, you will join our guide and driver at the Siem Reap meeting point and bike to Chaw Srei Vibol Monastery along the back road, passing through Preah Dak village and Phnom Bok. You will stop at some farms and see how the locals weave palm leaves. You will have a snack break at the monastery and talk to a monk about Buddhism and his life. You will then cycle to Banteay Ambil temple and have lunch at Stueng Trorcheak Restaurant. After lunch, we are transferred by the support vehicle to the boat pier to ride the boat to Kampong Phuk and Kampong Kheang Villages in Tonle Sap Lale (the boat ride will take us about 2 hours to ride). Kampong Khleang is a floating village on the Tonle Sap Lake, one of the biggest of its kind. The Khmer people have learned to live on water with skill and grace over time. On arrival, we are welcomed by the hosts we will have dinner and overnight in the stilted with this family.

Late afternoon, our guide will walk you around the village to figure out how the village is and learn the way of life of the villagers.

 Meals:  Lunch, Dinner

 Accommodation: Homestay with the local family

Kampong Thom

Kampong Thom

Early breakfast at the homestay.

Then we say goodbye to the hosts and start cycling from Kompong Khleang Village to Kva Market.

We cycled through rice fields, villages, schools, pagodas, traditional Khmer houses, and markets. We stopped many times to take photos, see the villagers’ daily life, and have snacks. We had a late lunch at a local restaurant in Kva Market and then took the support vehicle to Kampong Thom for the night. Check in at the hotel upon arrival, and relax.

Dinner at the local restaurant.

 Meals:  Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

 Accommodation: Gloria Hotel & Spa or similar

Kampong Chhnang

Kampong Chhnang

You will begin your bike ride early, taking the back road to Kampong Chhnang City and passing by large rice fields and rural villages. After 25km, we stop for a picnic breakfast and continue to ride further to Tonle Sap River where we will take cross the river by a local ferry, which will take us 45 minutes on this ferry. lunch at the local restaurant in Kampong Chhnang, then we check in at the hotel and relax. Late afternoon, the guide and driver drive you around the city and have dinner at the local restaurant.

 Meals:  Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

 Accommodation: Gloria Hotel & Spa or similar

Kampong Luong Floating Village

Kampong Luong Floating Village

Breakfast at the hotel.

Get ready for our ride, start from the hotel ride to the main market of Kampong Chhnang and continue to local villages which produce pottery in the midst of the rice fields. Learn how the community makes pottery the traditional way and observe how sugar is collected from the sugar palm trees. Let your guide assist you with translating if you are interested to learn more about village life. We ride further through rice paddies, small villages, and local farms with many stops for visiting the local families, pagoda, schools, and snack breaks. We will reach our goal of 60-70km biking and then have a late lunch at a local restaurant in Kampong Luong. Then we will take a boat ride to see the Kampong Luong Floating Village, where the Cambodian and Vietnamese people share the floating houses on a section of Tonle Sap Lake in Pursat Province. And transfer to Battambang by the support vehicle, check in at the hotel upon arrival, and relax.

Late afternoon, we the guide walk you around the city, and riverfront and have dinner at the local restaurant in town.

 Meals:  Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

 Accommodation: Classy Hotel & Spa or similar

Battambang Cycling

Battambang Cycling

Breakfast that the hotel.

Today we will bike 60km in Battambang and visit three places: Phnom Banon, Phnom Sampeav, and Ang Kam Ping Puoy. We will also enjoy a 30-minute ride on the Bamboo Train.

Start cycling from the hotel to small villages on the back road to Phnom Banon, and stop on the way to visit local families to learn about their everyday life, family history, and traditions. Visit Phnom Banon after climbing the 350+ steps you are treated to a peaceful setting with superb views across the surrounding countryside. Small villages are dotted in and around the endless rice paddies, punctuated with sugar palm trees. Walk down the hill and enjoy the Bamboo Train Ride for 30 minutes, then we continue to ride our bikes to climb to Phnom Sampeau, which is a massive limestone outcrop that is dissected by a number of caves of which some are more accessible than others. Some caves contain unexpected reminders of Cambodia’s turbulent history. You will see the sights of this fascinating place and then bike to Ang Kimping Puoy, our last stop for lunch. Then we will take the support vehicle back to Battambang.

Angkor Kamping Puoy is also known as the Killing Dam, Kamping Puoy was one of the many grandiose Khmer Rouge projects intended to recreate the sophisticated irrigation networks that helped Cambodia wax mighty under the kings of Angkor. The construction of this project claimed the lives of up to 10,000 Cambodians, who died from executions, starvation, and illness while working under harsh conditions.

Dinner at the local restaurant

 Meals:  Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

 Accommodation: Classy Hotel & Spa or similar

Wat Chheu Khmao

Wat Chheu Khmao

Breakfast at the hotel.

You will enjoy a morning bike ride along the Stung Sangke River and visit local families who produce traditional products like rice paper, dried bananas, bamboo sticky rice, fish paste, and rice wine. You will sample and savor these products while they are still hot. After 25km cycling along the riverside, we arrive at the boat pier, embark on the local boat and load our bikes on the boat as well to cruise through Tonle Sap Lake to Bak Prea and Treak Floating Village. Picnic lunch will be provided on the floating house in Treak Village. Visit stop to visit Wat Cheu Khmao. Wat Chheu Khmao, a Burmese-style monastery built in 1887, was constructed entirely from Chheu Khmao trees (blackwoods, like Acacia melanoxylon and Dahlbergian latifoliate) that were chopped down for the temple. In the past, the hill was a magical hill in the middle of the Tonle Sap flooded forest.

As so visit the family of people living in Treak Floating Village before we disembark the local boat to continue to ride our bikes the other 30km to Sasardam Village where we will have dinner and overnight in homestay.

 Meals:  Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

 Accommodation: Homestay in Sasardam Village

Breakfast at the homestay.

Say goodbye to our host, a very kind family. We will bike on the back road to Siem Reap, going through many villages. We will stop at the Puok Market, where they grill chicken and fry crickets, water bugs, and grasshoppers. Continue to bike to West Baray and have lunch at a local restaurant. West Baray, or Baray Teuk Thla in Khmer which means “Clear Water Reservoir” in English, is a large reservoir located to the west of Angkor Thom. This baray is 7.8km long and 2.1km wide, and it is the biggest one from the old Angkor period.

It is also one of the world’s largest artificial lakes, holding up to 53 million m3 of water. We will bike to Siem Reap and get there around 3 pm, where we will end our service and drop you off.

Dinner and accommodation are not included.

 Meals:  Breakfast, Lunch

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  •   Cycling tour guide (English)
  •   Mountain bike & helmet
  •   Mechanic
  •   Entrance fee as per itinerary
  •   Water & snacks during the cycling day(s)
  •   Meals as per itinerary
  •   Boat ride
  •   All taxes and service charges
  •   Accommodation (twin/double sharing)


  •   Visa fee to Cambodia
  •   All flights
  •   Travel Insurance
  •   Drinks during the meals
  •   Personal expenses
  •   Tipping
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